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Constitution., Civil Law & Procedure

All questions are compulsory. Answer to all Questions must be given in one language either in Hindi or in English. In case of any ambiguity between English and Hindi version of the question, the English version shall prevail.

Constitution of India

Q: How and to what an extent can the Constitution of India be amended? Discuss in the light of case law.

Q: Discuss power of the Governor to promulgate Ordinances.

Civil Procedure Code, 1908

Q: Which properties are liable for attachment and sale in execution of a decree and which properties cannot be attached in execution of a decree?

Q: Define Injunction. Explain the grounds and principles for grant of Temporary Injunction.

Transfer of Property Act, 1882

Q: Explain the conditions necessary for the application of the doctrine of part performance. Who can avail this doctrine?

Q: What is sale? What are the essentials of a valid sale? What is contract for sale? What are the differences between the two?

Indian Contract Act, 1872

Q: What is lawful consideration? When would the consideration or object of an agreement be unlawful?

Q: “Time is the essence of the contract” Discuss. What would be the effect of breach of covenant as to time?

Specific Relief Act, 1963

Q: Under what circumstances can a person sue for the cancellation of an instrument?

Q: When can the court enforce specific performance of a contract and under what circumstances the specific performance of the contract would be denied by the court?

Limitation Act, 1963

Q: What is the effect of acknowledgement of liabiity and part payment of debt?


Write short notes on the following:-
1. Directive Principles of the State.
2. Proper Party & Necessary Party.
3. Inherent powers of Civil Court.

Second Question Paper

Q: Write an article in Hindi or English on any one of the following social topics:
(1) Smart City Project
(2) Role of Politicians in Sports Associations

Q: Write an article in Hindi or English, on any one of the following legal topics:
(1) Euthanasia
(2)What should be the age for a Juvenile under Juvenile Justice Act.


(1) Plaintiffs “A” and “B” are owners of house No. 32 situated in ward No. 10 of the city of Hoshangabad. The defendant “K” is tenant in respect of two rooms situated on the ground floor of the house for non-residential purposes @ Rs. 3000 per month, since the life time of father of the plaintiffs, who is no more.
The tenancy begins from the first date of the month and expires on the last date of the month. (2) Another unmarried brother of the plaintiffs’ “C”. was residing in the remaing portion of the ground floor and first flobr of the house, who died on 04-02-14. The defendant ‘K’ used to pay the rent to ‘C’, nåmely, the brother of the plaintiff and used to obtain the receipts. However, from 1.2.2014, the defendant did not tender the rent despite several oral demands made by the plaintiff and despite the notice dated 15.9.2014 which was sent by the registered post. Thus, the defendant is in arrears of rent from on 01.02.2014 till the presentation of the plaint.

(3) After the death of ‘C’, the defendant without written permission of the plaintiff had unlawfully occupied one room in ground floor and two rooms in the first floor which were in possession of ‘C’ and were not let out to the defendant. Prior to institution of the suit, the plaintiff sent notice to the defendant by registered post in which the demand of arrears of rent with effect from 1.2.2014 was made as well as the possession of encroached portion of the suit house was also sought but the defendant did not vacate the encroached portion of the suit premises despite the notice.

(4) In his written reply sent by the defendant to the above notice of the plaintiffs before filing of the suit, the defendant has challenged the ownership of the suit house of the plaintiffs. Thus on this ground the defendant is also liable to be evicted under the M.P. Accommodation Control Act, 1961. Thus, the defendant is liable to be evicted on the grounds enumarated under Sections 12(1)(a)(c) and (o) of the M.P. Accommodation Control Act, 1961.

(5) The plaintiffs are entitled to receive the arrears of jurisdiction rent from 1.2.2014 till the filing of the plaint. In addition, the plaintiffs are also entitled to damages from the date of judgment till the recovery of the possession in respect of the suit. accommodation at the rate of Rs. 3,000/- (Rupees Three Thousand) per month and Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand) per month for the portion which has been encroached by the defendant as damages from the date of institution of the suit till the delivery of possession.

(6) For the purpose of the jurisdiction of the Court, the reliefs claimed in the suit have been properly valued and prescribed court fee has been paid on it. The cause of action accrued to the plaintiff to file the suit within the territorial jurisdiction of this Court on receiving of reply from the defendant.

Q: Translate the following 15 sentences into English:- 15

(1) याची एक सोसायटी का कर्मचारी था, जिसका बाद में मप्र० राज्य विद्युत मंडल में विलयन हुआ।

(2) यदि प्राधिकारी नियम 16 के अंतर्गत कार्यवाही प्रस्तावित करता है, पृथक आरोप पत्र जारी करना अपेक्षित नहीं।

(3) लघुशास्ति आरोपित करने के पहले, अनुशासनिक प्राधिकारी को अपचारी अंधिकारी का अभ्यावेदन लेना होगा।

(4) रोस्टर के अनुसार, केवल अनुसूचित जनजाति के दो अभ्यर्थी एवं अनुसूचित जाति के एक अभ्यर्थी को पदोंन्नति हेतु विचार में लिया जा सकता था।

(5) इन सभी व्यक्तियों को उचित तिथि से योग्य स्थान पर रखकर वरिष्ठता सूची तैयार की जाये।

(6) वादीगण अपने मुकदमे के एकमेव वादनियंत्रक हैं और संशोधन करने के लिए न्यायालय द्वारा उन पर जोर नहीं डाला जा सकता।

(7) राज्य के विरुद्ध कोई वाद प्रस्तुत करने हेतु धारा 80 सिविल प्रकिया संहिता के अंतर्गत कानूनी नोटिस पुरोभाव्य शर्त है।

(8) स्थाई व्यादेश के अनुतोष का दावा केवल उन व्यक्तियों के विरुद्ध किया जा सकता है, जिनके विरुद्ध वाद प्रस्तुत करने की तिथि को वाद कारण उपलब्ध है।

(9) प्रथम अपीली न्यायालय द्वारा निकाले गये तथ्यों के निष्कर्ष ना तो विपर्यस्त है, न ही अवैध।

(10) वादी ने मूल करार इस आधार पर प्रस्तुत नहीं किया कि वह प्रतिवादी, के कब्जे में है।

(11) वादी द्वारा पेश की गई कहानी का उसके द्वारा प्रदत्त नोटिस में उल्लेख नहीं पाया गया।

(12) व्यतिक्रम के दण्डादेश को भी, तीन वर्षों के सश्रम कारावास के बजाय एक वर्ष के सश्रम कारावास की अवधि तक घटाया गया।

(13) पहचान परेड के समय तथा न्यायालय में भी अभियुक्त की पहचान, आहत साक्षी की निशानदेही पर विश्वसनीय पाई गई।

(14) अभियुक्त ने घटना के तुरंत पश्चात, अपनी गिरफ्तारी के पूर्व गाँव के चौकीदार एवं पटेल के समक्ष न्यायिकेत्तर संस्वीकृति की।

(15) पश्चात्वतर्ती क्रेता की अनुपस्थिति में, मध्यस्थ द्वारा केवल उन विवादों को विचार में लिया जायेगा जिनसे पश्चात्वती क्रेता के हित प्रभावित ना हों।

Also Read: Important Doctrines and Their Applicability on Indian Constitution with case laws

Translate the following 15 sentences into Hindi:-

(1) Dismissal of the suit by the trial Court on the ground that it is barred by limitation is illegal and the same deserves to the restored.

(2) The accused gave only one blow by sharp-edged weapon, which resulted in the death of the deceased.

(3) Nevertheless, it is true that male orchestral players are in an overwhelming majority.

(4) The corrupt elements of the society are sucking the blood of the nation like a parasite.

(5) The condition of the Government hospitals in India is miserable.

(6) Innumerable people have died due to food poisoning and consumption of spurious liquor.

(7) She is now their family member and the pride of their family lies in her honour.

(8) He is in the habit of not making payment of rent and depositing the rent in time,

(9) The children ought to be given proper reward for their hard work.

(10) There is a dire need of economic reforms to improve the stagnating economic condition of the country.

(11) Our army got ready to defend the Nation from the intruders.

(12) Last, but not the least, India does not want to be under the pressure of any country of the world.

(13) Everyone is well acquainted with the importance of computers in our day to day lives.

(14) The mediator shall be guided by principles of fairness and justice.

(15) I would like to go with the majority that capital punishment should not be abolished.


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