Delhi Judicial Services Prelims 2018 Question Paper

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Delhi Judicial Services Prelims 2018 Question Paper

1. Which of the following acts constitute the commissioning of theft;


2. A private person


3. Every police officer on making arrest has to forthwith give information regarding such arrest and the place from where the person was arrested:


4. The ‘right of audience’ under the Indian Constitution given to the Attorney General of India in the performance of his/her dutiesisthe — right
relating to:


5. Etymologically the word “Ombudsman” means:


6. In International Law, the term “erga omnes” obligation refer to:


7. Match List-| with List-Il and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists;

List-| List-II

I. Alternative dispute (a) Unni Krishnan’s case resolution

Il. Rights to education (b) Afcons Infrastructure Ltd’s case

Ill. Right against self {c) Sunil Batra’s case incrimination

IV. Solitary confinement (d) Nandini Satpathy’s


8. The maxim ‘de minimis non curat lex’ is the foundation of which general exception under Chapter IV of the Indian Penal Code?


9. The defence of intoxication is not available:


10. ‘A who is abducted by “B’ is forced by the threat of instant death by ‘B’ who is heavily armed to use his (i.e. A’s) skills as a smith to force open the door of a house in order to enable ‘B’ to commit robbery. ‘A’ has committed:


11. ‘A whois 19 years of age instigates his sister ‘B’ whois 6 years of age to pick the pocket of a co-passenger. As soon as ‘B’ slips the purse of the co-passenger in her school bag she is caught. However, when the purse is opened, it is found to be empty. In this case which one of the following
statements is correct:


12. Section 303 Indian Penal Code was struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the case of:


13. ‘A. a government servant removed a file from his colleague’s office to his house, made it available to an outsider and then returned it back to the office the same day in the evening. ‘A’ is guilty of which of the following offence:


14. On death of a partner, in absence of any term to the contrary, a partnership firm is dissolved:


15. A partnership firm not registered with the Registrar of Firms under the Indian Partnership Act,


16. A minor acting through the guardian;


17. Decree for specific performance for movable property can be granted;


18. A and B orally settled a dispute with the help of C. This oral settlement is;


19. Under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, Arbitration Tribunal may direct payment of interest;


20. Secondary evidence cannot be led:


Also Read: Law of Evidence Mains Questions Series Part I: Judicial Services
