Call for Papers: LegalPedia Journal [LPJ, ISSN 2581-7949]: Submit by Sep 15

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Call for Papers: LegalPedia Journal [LPJ, ISSN 2581-7949]: Submit by Sep 15


  • LegalPedia Journal® (LPJ) (ISSN 2581-7949) is an open accessible scholarly peer-reviewed English journal published quarterly is dedicated to express and promote the research on various contemporary legal issues across the globe. LPJ is primary belongs to an organization known a
  • s Legalpedia™, which is an online educational portal & this initiative is supported by Legal Lions Members Welfare Society (Regd.), a society registered under Society Registration Act,1860.

Call for Manuscripts

The LegalPedia Journal invites submissions under the following categories: –
a. Research Paper: – (4000-6000 words including footnotes as well as abstract not                 exceeding 250-300 words.)
b. Articles: – (4000- 5000 words inclusive of footnotes)

There is no specific theme or topic for the issue. All submissions should be    directly related to any law and legal issue.

For submissions rules please visit our website and check general and specific guidelines for
submission. Follow the link

How to submit

a) LJP only accepts electronic submissions. Submissions have to be submitted only to             this email We shall only accept manuscripts             submitted through above mentioned Email I’d only. No hard copies or submissions             made to any other Email I’d will not be entertained. Please Note, co‐authorship to               a maximum number of one author is permitted.

b) The manuscript should be in .docx format. All manuscripts must also contain an                  abstract of not more than 300 words. Title of the paper should be in capital bold                and centre aligned. The name of author and co-author (if any), should appear in                the next line and should be right aligned. The name of the author should be                        followed by footnote mark (*) for the first author and (**) for the second/co                      author. The above-mentioned footnotes should consist details of Author(s) such as              educational qualifications and the institutional/organisational details along with                  E-mail address of the author(s).

c) Garamond, 12 pt., 1.5 spacing, 1-inch gap on all four sides.

The Procedure for Acceptance
a) On receipt of the contribution, the Editorial Committee shall screen it to satisfy itself           about the conformity of the contribution with the LPJ conditions, policy, scheme and           style for submission of the manuscripts.
b) It is mandatory to send an abstract while submitting the manuscript under the head           of Research paper and Article of not more than 300 words including key words.                   Every abstract should contain at least 3 keywords denoting the theme and relevance           of main manuscript.
c) The screened work shall be assessed by the nominated referees.
d) A contribution recommended by the referee as fit for publication as such or                       recommended for publication with necessary amendments, if any, shall be                         considered for publication after the author would submit the amended paper                       accordingly. The author will be given two weeks (2weeks) to carry out changes                   thus suggested.

Perks of Publication
LPJ will give along each of the selected manuscript author(s): –
1. Certificate of Publication
2. A small token of thanks to all the authors. Pl note the above mentioned things will be sent to the Author(s) on their respective postal addresses.

Important Dates and Deadlines

  1. Last date for submissions of abstracts : 15 th September 2019
  2. Communication of Acceptance of abstracts : 18 th September 2019
  3. Last date for final submission of full paper : 13 th October 2019
  4. Communication of Acceptance for publication: 16 th October, 2019
  5. Publication of selected papers : last week of October 2019

Pl note all submissions must be as per the schedule mentioned above, no late submissions will be considered.

Call for Papers: JLSR-Journal for Law Students and Researchers[E-Journal]: Submissions on Rolling Basis

Publication cost: – A nominal amount will be charged from the author(s) whose manuscripts will gets shortlisted for the publication.

Official links

Website : Click here

Notification: Click here


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