12th GLC MUN,  Call For Priority Registrations:[20th-22nd Mar; Mumbai]

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About GLC MUN 2020

The 12th edition of Government Law College Model United Nations ( GLC MUN 2020 ) is scheduled to be
held from 20th to 22nd March 2020 at Government Law College, Mumbai.

Committees and Agendas:

1. United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
a. Protecting and preserving the rights and privileges of religious minorities globally.
b. Discussing LGBTQ rights in terms of Islamic religious laws.

2. United Nations General Assembly (DISEC)
  • Cybersecurity and protection against Cyber Warfare with special emphasis on nonstate actors.
  • Combating proliferation of chemical and biological weapons with emphasis on the risk
    of acquisition by non-state actors.

3. United Nations General Assembly (Legal)

  • Considering the creation of a legal framework to eradicate modern slavery.
  • Examining the applicability of the Geneva Convention and other international legal
    protocols to the treatment of civilians and non-uniformed combatants.

4. United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

  • Discussing ways to increase cooperation between the United Nations and regional and
    sub regional organizations in maintaining international peace and security.
  • Ways to promote and strengthen the rule of law in the maintenance of international
    peace and security.

5. Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD)

  • To address taxation challenges in the current digital economy with a special emphasis
    on multilateralism.
  • To discuss digital disruption in nancial markets with a special emphasis on the
    emergence of cryptocurrencies.

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6. All India Political Parties Meet (AIPPM)

  • Discussing the disinvestment policy of the government with emphasis to the scal
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of Reservation Policy.

7. Continuous Crisis Committee (CCC)

Agendas will be released 15 days prior to the conference.

8. The International Press (IP)

  • The priority round registrations are available at a discounted price.

Priority Registration Fee: INR 1800

Accommodation Fee (Optional): INR 4500 for 3 nights stay at a 3-star South Bombay

Last Date for Priority Round Registration: 16th January 2020Con


Queries can be addressed to + 91 8005611804/ 9820429165/ 8668452572/
9647737777, or to regis.glcmun@gmail.com.

To register, click here or here.


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