UN rights experts welcome Spain court ruling for domestic violence victim

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UN rights experts welcome Spain court ruling for domestic violence victimGENEVA on 8th November 2018, The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) welcomes the decision by Spain’s highest court in favour of a victim of domestic violence, which reaffirmed that Spanish law must incorporate the rights and freedoms of human rights treaties.

The Supreme Court of Spain order for a victim of domestic violence, enforced compliance with the committee’s recommendations and recognized the violation of the victim’s rights by Spain, ordering the government to pay €600,000 as compensation for the moral damages the victim had suffered. 

“This historic judgment centres on the CEDAW’s decision in an individual complaint case brought by Angela González Carreño against Spain. In 1999, when her daughter Andrea was three years old, Ms.González Carreño left her husband after he threatened her with a knife. Over a number of years, she brought complaints against him to the Spanish legal system, seeking to protect her daughter from having to spend time with her father, as ordered by the courts. On 24 April 2003, following a judicial hearing on the matter, Ms. González Carreño’s husband “approached her and told her that he was going [to] take away what mattered most to her,” according to CEDAW’s documents on the case. Later the same day, the police found the lifeless bodies of Andrea and her father, and concluded that he had shot his daughter and then committed suicide.” 

Source: Jurist.org, ohchr. 


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