
Review of Article 27.3(b) Under TRIPS Agreement: OurLegalWorld

Review of Article 27.3(b) Under TRIPS Agreement: OurLegalWorld

Review of Article 27.3(b) Under TRIPS Agreement


In the age of globalization, the pace of technology adoption was unprecedented. As a result, intellectual property rights, especially patent law, are required to be stricter. To achieve this goal. The trade-related aspect of intellectual property (TRIP) is Delayed participation in multilateral trade negotiations under the auspices of GATT the eighth round in Uruguay is currently forming an essential and important agreement with the WTO. It is the most controversial region and is widely debated around the world for its vastness. Especially effective in the patent field. TRIPs Agreement has expanded its scope Article 27 Patent Subject by stipulating whether all inventions are patentable It is imported to a country that works locally or is subsidized.


However, some exceptions are allowed Conforms to sections 2 and 3 of the same article, but already with exceptions The provisions of Article 27.3 (b) shall be reviewed four years after implementation. TRIPs Agreement. These provisions have been revised since the WTO came into effect on January 1, 1995. Deadlocks still exist from 1999 to the present and are under review. I have it now Differences of opinion between two different political parties on this issue. Attempt Leading biotechnology companies patenting biological materials from developing countries Will be resisted. In addition, the development and release of genetically modified seeds u Harvesting raises concerns in many areas. Countries don’t want to compromise Food security for their population. Given the ongoing review negotiations that are taking place A particular issue highlighted by different countries, this treatise attempts I will summarize some important points from various perspectives. After reviewing Article 27.3 (b) It revolves around the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and Traditional Knowledge (TC). Efforts have also been made to briefly review the relevant provisions of these and related terms. Related implementation aspects. The purpose of the study is to generate and increase Understand the relationship between TRIPS and CBD, including TK. Research Many issues that may be relevant to developing countries when dealing with interfaces Between these disciplines where an understanding of law and economics represents a unique analysis Challenge to politics. The methodology chosen is purely analytical and existing available materials.

Also Read: Pharmaceutical and Medical Diagnostics Innovation and Patents under the TRIPS and Indian Patent Law

The TRIPS Agreement is seen as a comprehensive new framework primarily to protect intellectual property in trade-sensitive areas and to protect intellectual property protection standards. It is also worth noting that the TRIPs Agreement is the first legal agreement to cover all areas of intellectual property with a series of specific provisions. The three main points of the agreement are: Standards-All Member States must provide a minimum standard to protect the intellectual property rights of each IP category covered by the contract. Each area of intellectual property is treated as if all essential aspects of protection were all, such as the subject to be protected, the rights granted, the possibility of exceptions to these rights, and the minimum duration of protection. Is stated. Enforcement-The second set of clauses focuses on national procedures and remedies for enforcing intellectual property rights. The Agreement sets out a comprehensive set of rules that apply to all IPR enforcement activities. It also includes provisions for civil and administrative procedures and remedies, interim measures, special border requirements and criminal procedures.

All of these outline the procedures and remedies that the right holder must provide in order to exercise their rights. Dispute Resolution-Disputes between WTO Member States over liability arising under the TRIPS Agreement are subject to WTO dispute resolution procedures. Only a few years have passed since the TRIPS Agreement generally came into effect, Several proposals have already been submitted for review. Part of these coverage areas Belongs to the “Built-in Agenda” (UNCTAD 1999), that is, geographical issues Notice (Article 23.4), Patentability of Biological Inventions (Article 27.3 (b)), and “Non-Infringement” Cases(Article 64). There are also many proposals that exceed this limit. Review WTO Member States submitted a review of Section 27.3 (b) As a representative of the TRIPS Board of Directors, he gives different views on issues related to: TRIPS and his CBD relationship, intellectual property rights and traditional knowledge, microbial and genetic department or life form patents. Developing countries and Least Developed countries have succeeded in exerting pressure as a whole Developed or industrialized countries that help absorb. Uruguay Round provisions for multilateral trade negotiations.

DOHA Ministerial Conference

The Doha Ministerial Conference held in November 2001 had also unanimously concluded on the note that certain issues of Trade Related Aspects of the Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) would be negotiated and reviewed. Among other issues discussed the issues regarding Review of Article 27.3 (b) relating to patentability of micro -organisms and non-,biological and microbiological processes; and Review of implementation of TRIPS Agreement under Article 71.1 and other relevant new development pointed out by the member countries regarding this Article; were the highlights. At Doha it was also speculated to examine the relationship between the TRIPS Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and protection traditional knowledge (TK) and folklore; The Doha Ministerial Declaration also laid down stress upon that while undertaking the Work Program relating to TRIPS Agreement ‘the TRIPS Council shall be guided by the objectives and principles set out in Articles 7 and 8 of TRIPS Agreement and shall take fully into account the development dimensions arising from the mandate of the Work Programme. Another important thing the TRIPS Agreement holds is the Article 71.1 which runs as “The Council shall,
having regard to the experience gained in its implementation, review it two years after that date and at identical intervals thereafter. The Council may also undertake reviews in the light of any relevant new developments which might warrant
modification or amendment of this Agreement”.

Recent Updates

In recent years, the TRIPS Council has Suigeneris plant variety protection for patent protection and access related to life forms, Transfer and dissemination of technology. The three main agenda items for the review structure are: Section 27.3 (b), TRIPS-CBD Relationship and Traditional Protection Knowledge and folklore. Various other issues, such as capacity, are also being discussed. Development and technology transfer in developing and least developed countries These countries are to achieve the objectives of Article 7 of the TRIPS Agreement. In the discussion, it was a view that emphasized concerns about intellectual property. Rights to living organisms and genetic material can make access more difficult and increase costs Techniques in this area with the exclusive right granted to the right holder to prevent others from doing so From the use of protected techniques. While the African group is saying the subject Whether and how intellectual property rights such as patents and breeder rights lead to transfer Technology investment, transfer, dissemination, R & D We need to investigate developing countries. 29 The United States responded completely Implementation of TRIPS provisions by developing countries, including the provisions of Article 27.3 (b) Build the trust of domestic and foreign investors and stimulate investment Innovative and creativ companies in these countries 30. Japan supported the view of the United States. In addition, we confirmed that if the technology is in the hands of the private sector, it can be transferred. Most effectively through market mechanisms such as licenses and license agreements Proper protection of intellectual property is an important prerequisite.

Written by Dhawani Sharma
B.Com LLB(Hons.)
Amity Law School




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