MCQ on Contract Act | LLM | UGC-NET | Judicial Services: I

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MCQ on Contract Act | LLM | UGC-NET | Judicial Services: I

1. Who is competent to contract?


2. ‘Consent’ is said to be free when it is caused by


3. Two or more persons are said to consent when


4. When consent to an agreement is caused by coercion, the agreement is


5. A contracts to pay B a sum of Rs. 20,000 if B’s house is burnt. This is


6. A agrees to pay B a sum of Rs. 5000 if two straight lines should enclose a space. The agreement is


7. A, who is B’s ‘mukhtar’, promises to exercise his influence, as such, with B in favour of C, and C promises to pay Rs. 20,000 to A. The agreement is


8. A pays Rs.10,000 to B for manufacturing a machine. When it is partly manufactured, the contract is discharged by frustration. What is the remedy available to parties?


9. Who is competent to contract?


10. Two or more persons are said to consent when


11. A and B make a contract grounded on the erroneous belief that a particular debt is barred by the Indian Law of Limitations. This contract is


12. A, who is B’s ‘mukhtar’, promises to exercise his influence, as such, with B in favour of C, and C promises to pay Rs. 20,000 to A. The agreement is


13. A pays Rs.10,000 to B for manufacturing a machine. When it is partly manufactured, the contract is discharged by frustration. What is the remedy available to parties?


Also Read: Constitution MCQ | LLM| UGC-NET| Judicial Services: I
