Inter caste marriages still act as a stigma in the Indian Society

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Sakshi Mishra and Ajitesh Kumar approached the Allahabad High Court and prayed that they both were facing death threats for the sole reason of marrying outside their caste. The girl Mrs. Sakshi is a Brahmin and the boy Mr. Ajitesh is a Dalit. The marriage was solemnized between the two on July 4 2019. The death threats were being given to both of them by none other than the father of the girl Mr. Rajesh Mishra who is an MLA from Barelilly.

Firstly a video went viral on social media where the girl was claiming that her father is threatening her for dire consequences for marrying outside her caste against the wishes of her father and requested her father not to do so. Not only them but the parents of the boy and the counsels of the petitioners were also being threatened. Later the couple prayed for their protection from the police and her father , they contented that both of them were having a peaceful life and married with their own consent and are happy in their lives.
The court observed that both the parties to marriage were major and hence had the knowledge of all good and bad and it is with their consent and will that they entered into this pious institution of marriage. Therefore the Allahabad High Court ordered to grant police protection to Mrs. Sakshi and Mr. Ajitesh .

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Justice Siddhartha Verma referred to various Supreme Court Judgments to support the instant case such as Bhagwan Das vs. State ( NCT of Delhi) 2011, and NandaKumar and another vs. State of Kerala and others 2018. In these cases it was also stated that caste groups cannot interfere with individual’s right to marry the person of his / her choice.

The instant case depicts the pathetic condition of caste system that still prevails in our country, The Constitution Of India guarantees right to equality yet it is sad to know that caste still acts as a a barrier to the principle of equality and even today people are denied the right to marry a person outside their caste even if they both are madly in love with each other.


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