Civil Judge- Karnataka Judicial Services [94 Post]: Apply by Apr 27
About Karnataka Judiciary
The High Court of Karnataka is the High Court of the Indian state of Karnataka and thus its highest judicial authority. The court’s principal bench is located in Bangalore, the capital city of Karnataka, with additional benches in Hubli-Dharwad and Gulbarga. It was previously called the High Court of Mysore.
About the Opportunity
Under the provisions of Karnataka Judicial Service (Recruitment) Rules, 2004 and Amendment Rules, 2011, 2015, and 2016, the High Court of Karnataka invites online applications for direct recruitment to 94 posts of Civil Judges
which includes the existing and consequential vacancies.
Minimum Qualification and Age Limit for:
A. Direct Recruitment:
- Must be the holder of a degree in Law granted by a University established by Law in India and must have been enrolled as an Advocate.
- Must not have completed as on the last date fixed for receipt of applications, 38 years of age in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe and Thirty Five years of age in the case of others.
- For Ex-servicemen Candidates, relaxation of three years in the upper age limit.
B. Recruitment of In-service Candidates:
- Must be the holder of a degree in Law granted by a University established by Law in India.
- Must not have completed as on the last date fixed for receipt of applications, 43 years of age in the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe and Forty years of age in the case of others.
- All In-service candidates having required qualifications working in the High Court and in the District Judiciary irrespective of their cadres are eligible to apply for the post of Civil Judge.
- Assistant Public Prosecutors-cum-Additional Government Pleaders who are working in the Department of Prosecutions and Government Litigation are also eligible to apply for the post of Civil Judges.
- Direct recruitment to the cadre of Civil Judges is subject to any order made under Article 16(4) or 16(4A) of the Constitution of India, providing reservation for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and other backward classes.
- For direct recruitment to the cadre of Civil Judges 1% (One percent) reservation has been provided for Orthopedically disabled persons (persons having a disability with one arm (OA)/one leg (OL)/both legs (BL), subject to the prescribed qualifications.
Method of Recruitment
By direct recruitment on the basis of aggregate marks obtained in a Competitive Examination (Main Written Examination and Viva-Voce) conducted by the High Court.
The Competitive Examination for recruitment of Civil Judges shall consist of 3 stages i.e.,
- Preliminary Examination
- Main Written Examination and
- Viva-Voce.
The marks secured in the Preliminary Examination are considered only for Eligibility for the Main Written Examination.
How to Apply?
Those who are desirous of applying for the said posts are required to fill up their application online by visiting the High Court website Applications sent by any other mode other than online will not be considered. The fee shall be remitted as hereunder:
- Online Payment: On submission of the application online, the candidate shall make online payment of prescribed fee by State Bank of India (SBI) online payment gateway through this link.
- Challan Payment: On submission of the application online, the candidate shall download the challan in PDF format from the State Bank of India (SBI) online payment gateway through this link and shall remit the prescribed fee in any branch of SBI. (System needs to support PDF reader-like Adobe, Acrobat).
- Also Read: Indian Constitution Online Quiz Test
Application Fees
Preliminary Examination Fee:
- General Merit and Category-IIA/IIB/IIIA/IIIB shall remit a fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only).
- SC/ST/Category-I shall remit a fee of Rs.250/- (Rupees Two Hundred Fifty only).
Main Written Examination Fee
Payable by each candidate who is successful in the Preliminary Examination and eligible to appear for the Main
Written Examination immediately within 15 (Fifteen) days from the date of announcing the result of the Preliminary Examination, failing which, their candidature will not be considered for Main Written Examination.
- General Merit and Category –IIA/IIB/IIIA/ IIIB shall remit a fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only).
- SC/ST/Category-I shall remit a fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only).
- Submission of Online Application: 27th April 2021 (Till 11.59 p.m.)
- Payment of fee, online: 30th April 2021 (Till 11.59 p.m.)
- Payment of fee through Challan: 30th April 2021 (Till Bank’s working hours)
- General Instructions for Candidates
- Instructions on How to Apply Online
- How to make payment
- Notifications Page for Civil Judge Recruitment
- Official Notification (Page No. 1-8 in Kannada; 9-16 in English)
Note: Interested candidates are advised to go through every instruction as well as the official notification, carefully, before applying.