
Jurisprudence Notes: CLAT LLM, Judicial Services, LLB, Competitive Exam etc.

Immanuel Kant Theory of Jurisprudence

Immanuel Kant Theory of Jurisprudence INTRODUCTION Kant was born in 1724 in the Prussian city of Kongsberg. Immanuel Kant synthesized early modern rationalism and ...

Theory Given By Oliver Wendell Holmes

Theory Given By Oliver Wendell Holmes BIOGRAPHY Oliver Wendell Holmes ( March 8, 1841 – March 6, 1935 ) was an American Jurist who ...

Criticism of Austin’s theory of Positivism

Criticism of Austin’s theory of Positivism: Our Legal World Criticism of Austin Theory or Positivism Theory Introduction Many thinkers and jurists compared Austin’s ideas ...

Jurisprudence Source of Law legislation precedent customs

Jurisprudence Notes: Sources of Law

Jurisprudence: Sources of Law Introduction Jurisprudence is basically the study of the Theory and Philosophy of Law. In jurisprudence we do not deal with ...

Analytical or Positivist theory Of Jurisprudence

Analytical or Positivist theory Of Jurisprudence

Analytical or Positivist theory Of Jurisprudence Introduction Analytical or positivist theory is the most powerful school of jurisprudence, dealing with law as it exists ...

Ownership -Definition, Concept and kinds- legal article

Ownership -Definition, Concept and kinds

Ownership – Definition, Concept and Kinds INTRODUCTION Ownership is an important right in relation to property. It is one of the basic concepts of ...

Salmond Pigeon Hole Theory of law of Torts

Salmond Pigeon Hole Theory of law of Torts

Salmond Pigeon Hole Theory of Law of Torts Pigeon hole theory is one of the very profound theory in the field of law especially, ...

Definition of Jurisprudence

Definition of Jurisprudence with short explanation

Definition of Jurisprudence with short explanation Definition of Jurisprudence  Introduction  The word “Jurisprudence” is derived from the Latin word ‘Jurisprudentia’ which denotes the science ...

Marxist theory of Law: Marxist Approach to Law, Economics, Society

Marxist Theory of Law: Marxist Approach to Law, Economics, Society

Marxist Theory of Law : Marxist Approach to Law, Economics, Society Abstract This article discusses Marxist legal theory and how it has been applied ...