Call for Papers: CPJ Chanderprabhu Jain College Law Journal Vol. X

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CPJ – Call for Papers: Chanderprabhu Jain College Law Journal Vol. X July, 2020 (Submit by 31st May,2020)

About College

Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law, Narela (Affiliated to GGSIP University, Delhi) strives for excellence in the field of research and development. We believe in “Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.” We thank all who read, use, access, and learn from our content in any format and venue. We have continued to find ways to create new content and make useful information readily available.

About Journal
CPJ Law Journal (ISSN 0976-3562) is a Double Blind Peer Reviewed Research Journal to fulfill the mandate of promoting research, awareness and writing amongst law fraternity. We accept contributions on all areas of law and even social sciences issues bearing a legal angle. We take this opportunity to cordially invite you to contribute thought provoking and original unpublished research paper for publication in the CPJ Law Journal July, 2020 issue.


Theme: The present edition of Journal shall focus on recent developments and trends that have taken place in Indian Legal System.

Last Date to Submit: 31st May,2020

Last Date for intimation of acceptance: 15th July,2020

Publication Charges: Nil

a. Articles and Research Papers should be submitted in duplicate, typed in single space in 12 point size (font: Times New Roman) on good quality A-4 size paper, in single space with 1 inch margin in a maximum of 7-12 pages. Contributions should be sent by post along with the CD (RW) of the same prepared in MS Word and also to be emailed to the Editor, Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies, Narela, Delhi-110040.
b. The manuscripts must be accompanied with duly filled-in Declaration Form stating that the paper is the original unpublished work of the author, and has not been sent elsewhere for consideration of publication.

c. An abstract (of about 200 words) should be submitted along with the paper at the time of submission.

d. Illustrations, figures, maps and graphs should be prepared in black and white and be kept to the minimum. They should be numbered serially with appropriate headings.

e. Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively in Numerals and should be placed at the end with mention of insert in the text as Table 1, Table 2 etc. Tables should not duplicate results in graphs. The minimum amount of descriptive text should be used on graphs and drawings (label curves, points etc. with single-letter symbols).

f. Spellings of frequently used words should be consistent all through the paper.

g. There should be separate title page containing the title of the article, author’s name, designation official and residential address, telephone number, e-mail address, fax numbers, etc. The name of the author(s) should not appear on the manuscript to facilitate blind review.

h. A separate list of references should be given at the end of the paper. Only those references, which are actually utilized in the text, should be included in the reference list. In the text, references should be cited with the surname of the author(s) along with the year of publication, all in brackets. References should be complete in all respects and alphabetically arranged. Footnotes may be given on the same page if any technical term needs some explanations.

i. The Articles being sent can be co-authored. However, a maximum of two authors per article permitted.

Guidelines for Book Review:-
The authors for the Book Review must include the review of books on Law on the latest topics. It must reflect the following details and in the order specified below:

  • Name of the Author
  • Title of Book Reviewed
  • Place of Publication
  • Publisher
  • Year of Publication
  • Number of Pages with Binding specification such as paperback or hardbound.
  • The Word Limit must be 1500-2000 words and must be chapter wise.

The comments can be his/her own. A copy of book should be sent along the book review desired to be published.

Guidelines for Review of Literature:-

The literature should be in areas of Law or its allied fields. The studies included should be based on contemporary research. Too old research studies can be included only when they are cross-sectional in nature.

Covering Letter:-

All submissions must be accompanied by a Covering Letter stating the title, author’s full name, designation, institute they belong and postal address and the author’s contact details. Only the covering letter should contain the above mentioned details and not the manuscript:

Word Limit:-

Long Article 6000-7000 words
Short Article 4000-5000 words
Book Review 1000 words

(Note : Word Limit is including abstract, main article/book review and foot notes)


All the contributions should be the original work of the contributors and should not have been submitted for consideration in any other Journal. The author would be liable for any Legal issue arising out of plagiarism.


The contributions presented to and accepted for publication and the copyrights therein shall be the intellectual property of the Chanderparbhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law. Every article/comments/notes etc. received for publication will be edited for general suitability of publication by Editorial Board.

Ethics Policy of Journal:-

a. All the contributors are required to follow the Ethics Policy of Journal.

b. All editorial correspondence will be done through email only.

c. Author will receive a complimentary copy of the Journal in which his/her articles is published.

d. Rules for citing the books on the reference list:

e. Use the author’s surname and initial(s). Do not use first name, degrees and the like.

f. Follow the author’s name with the year of publication. Year of publication will be in parenthesis.

g. Both should be in bold.

h. The title of the book should be next and only the first word in the title or any proper name should be in upper case.

i. The publisher of the book is listed last followed by a period.

j. Paper finding place in Journal will be duly communicated to their authors.

Manuscripts and all editorial correspondence should be addressed/emailed to: 

The Editor,
Chanderprabhu Jain College of Higher Studies & School of Law,
Plot No. OCF, A-8 Narela, Delhi –110040

To Read Submission Guidelines, Click Here

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